This was an easier one of your friends 'get' challenges. They are fun and are a great way to kill time, something you recently seem to have a lot of.
The friend who sent you it is an avid reader of all things MSPA, but even with that in mind he said the amount you can have a singular S next to a word was more limited than he thought.
Originally he was going to go for S Kennel, as a another form of get, due to the fact you used to live in one.
But the S weaves well into kennel, and thusly Skennel was abadoned. After a bit of thinking, he remembered back in 2011 there was a flash the creator of all things MSPA had to put on newgrounds, and crashed it. Sgrounds sounds alright, and it is a good get.
You really admire your friends for how much trouble they go too for some fun. The feline who gave you that get picture is quite an odd character, but he is cool nontheless.
Rolly: Answer Chum.